Thursday, June 17, 2010

Are you ready for Summer??

I just read that today is National Picnic Day! How could I have NOT known this?? Well, I'll be having a picnic in a park tomorrow to celebrate Father's Day with the fam. Have a great weekend!
Ready or not, Summer is coming in THREE DAYS! Forget the science involved and get on with the bbq's, campfires, and S'Mores-making. Take a hike, go kayaking, or get soaked at a water park.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, do it safely!

You have the opportunity to learn from my mistakes with these tips:

- Remember the spf30 (for me it's closer to 80). Nothing kills the fun more than a nasty sunburn! I once got second-degree sunburn just before heading to Texas for a wedding in August. If you've ever been in Texas in August, you're covering your mouth and making the, "Oooooooowwwww" sound right now. Yeah.

- Definitely, no matter what, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT forget the ICE CREAM!! Yum!

Please share your summer fun tips with us. Enjoy!

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